Participation in the FreightWaves Passport Program (“FPP”) is subject to the following terms and conditions:
1) Participation in any event, receipt of any publication, access to any product, attendance at any seminar or receipt of any other benefit under the FPP is subject to any terms, conditions, limitations or other requirements generally applicable to such benefit including, but not limited to, agreement to terms and conditions specific to such benefit.
2) Invitation only events, unless expressly extended to the FPP, are excluded from the FPP.
3) At the time of purchase, FPP benefits will be assigned to an individual (a “Member”). FPP benefits are nontransferable. Provided, however, that in the event memberships are purchased by a company, FreightWaves may permit transfer to a new Member upon payment of a fee.
4) Inclusion of a benefit in the FPP creates no obligation for FreightWaves to offer or continue offering such events, publications, products, seminars or other benefits.
5) FreightWaves may add, delete, substitute or alter available events, publications, products, seminars or other benefits at its absolute discretion.
6) Price is subject to change on an annual basis.
7) With respect to the research and articles made available through the FPP (the “Materials”):
a. Each time Member accesses the Materials, Member agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions as they are then currently posted.
b. FreightWaves represents that the data and commentary in the Materials:
i. are not provided in violation of any duty of confidentiality;
ii. are not released in a preferential manner as between subscribers; and
iii. are released having obtained proper authority to do so.
c. FreightWaves represent that the data in the Materials:
i. does not contain PII; and
ii. data is aggregated and anonymized except where otherwise authorized by data provider or for data which by its nature is not subject to such actions (e.g. publicly available data, weather charts, etc).
d. Member is granted a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Materials for internal business purposes only.
e. Member shall not share, recompile, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or make or distribute any other form of, or any derivative work from the Materials, provided that
Member is permitted to:
i. share synopses of the Materials internally; and
ii. use the Materials for the benefit of Member’s third party customers.